


Most recent thing (by November 2020). Only a small part of the whole menu was used for delivery.  Mostly pizza & fryers.

I decided that it was easier to make a few menu pages that would be in stack of instagram post. Each picture has a phone number on it. In the Amalfi Coast, they still order phone delivery by calling people over the phone. Which may sound strange for many people. But it is because the customers Le palme have today are 100% local

Printable menu

Image below is just a presentation. Real menu was made to be printed by personal every day. Because it was designed to be disposable.

Ads for social networks

Spending the cost less than 1 pizza on Facebook ads this vibrant ads went really well during spring of 2020

Don’t loose pleasures of life. We’re gonna think about it. Delivering at your house

We’re delivering at your your place. Pizzas. Fried pizzas.

Historical Pizza with 72 hours levitation will be delivered at Atrani beach

Photos of the most exquisite dishes

The real masterpieces of the restaurant’s Le Palme Chef  instantly disappear. And it’s a great luck to capture them in the natural habitat.

Not only stills and prints

Promotion video for social networks