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Timelapse video for new era of Instagram

This year stole our old Instagram with photos and brought us a new one with video. May I present you…

Cinereo learning

The most commercially successful time lapse can be shot on locations that are colorful during the day and brightly lit at night time. Moscow-City, Centro Direzionale in Naples, and so on. But since moving around is not a healthy thing no more… I’m practicing at home. There is such a term: “Holy Grail” time lapse – is when the transition from evening to night is very smooth and, most difficult – without flickering. When you leave the camera on a tripod, it measures the exposure itself, and it happens that during the whole shooting there are several overlapped or underlit frames. 

Is it ideal not to align the entire section manually in #Lightroom… Or is it? 🤔

In the north of Germany, there is a dude named Gunter, who wrote a heavily frowned script LRTimelapse and its interface. In theory, everything is very simple. You choose the keyframes in the script. You make their adjustments in Lightroom. And you tell the script: compare everything as it is in these frames. And then, just make a step away from yr computer, because it will take off of the table. The script runs Adobe DNG Converter for each frame, which creates .xmp for each photo, and it is really power consuming. It creates one beautiful graphfor the transition of the exposure. If the graph is not smooth enough, it can be smoothed out by running the script again.

Then all you have to do is feed all .xmp files to the Lightroom and export using the same LRTimelapse.

I get a pretty good 6k video. It went beautifully on Insta and especially on my weak ADSL line…

What is TimeLapse

Guys from NightSkyPix approached to me and asked me a quick question

“Time-lapse sequences look awesome but can be messed up pretty easily, so we ended up documenting how to do time lapse photography from start to finish (the correct way), so could you perhaps share the link to our article?”

So I’m including it. Please read the full article on the NightSkyPix website to better understand what Timelapse is and how to not mess it up

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© Gregory Smirnov. Graphic design. Photo. Video.