Using neural filter I transform one of my favourite photo * and turn it into * beautiful painting in no time. The second photo * even more beautiful * with the same filter…
My old-time friend live in Lisbon and have a delight youtube channel dedicated to learning the art of being an narrator. Now-days in the world of podcasts and various audio…
Video design Timelapse video for new era of Instagram This year stole our old Instagram with photos and brought us a new one with video. May I present you... The most commercially…
Yaaayyy!!! I'm making videos now Walking over Atrani. Video for my hotel Internet is a world of cats and food My cat 1:14 "Internet should be full of cats" – this…
Creative company OSW leather was really kind to make branded Apple Watch band with my own design for me Design and idea Gregory Smirnov Manufacter Vladimir Yurii Production OSW leather…
When all the work, study, friends are moved to one single table, sooner or later, wine should've come there. One of the working nights is vividly illustrated by a quote…
На данный момент это самая просматриваемая моя фото загруженная на гугл карты. Один из лучших бургеров в Италии. В ресторане Burger-Chief недалеко от Pozzuoli в Неаполе.